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Writer and artist, Stéphanie Filion has published several poetry collections with Le Lézard amoureux, Coeur mémoire (2023), Jeanne Forever (2018, with Valérie Forgues), Nous les vivant (2015) and L'Orient, Louisiana (2013). She has also published a novel Grand fauchage intérieur (2017) and notebooks, L'Almanach des exils (2009) with Isabelle Décarie.

As a collagist artist, she has participated in group exhibitions in Montreal and in international publications. She regularly leads collage-poetry workshops and offers creativity coaching.

She lives in Montreal.

With different publishers


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Nuit désordre


Drawing from experiences that are sometimes unusual, sometimes familiar, the authors seek together a language capable of capturing the tones of the night and revealing, between the folds of this leporello-text, the most creative space for reflecting on these small revolutions of intimacy.

Nuit désordre is meant to be read as a whisper.

Le vent souffle sur le rideau:
membrane du coeur.
La mer entre en moi
part et revient.
À marée basse
elle laisse des dentelles mouillées
sur son chemin.

Nous les vivants, 2015


Do not hesitate to contact me for any interview, workshop or coaching request.

Stéphanie Filion

Montréal (Québec) Canada

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@ 2023 Stephanie Filion

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